Why we build Scrintal

Ece Kural
Published in
4 min readSep 20, 2023


We started discussing the Scrintal concept when I was doing my Ph.D. and had to interview 60 United Nations bureaucrats to write one article. That was when I realized that being creative requires chaos, and then it requires order. I had so many ideas that I simply wanted to take them out of my head and see them before me. After that, I can see how they connected with one another and start developing the argument for my article. I was begging for a space that could give me freedom when I needed to brainstorm and then enough structure to turn those ideas into my final artifact. I was chatting with my colleagues at Stockholm University to see if I was the only one after a different way of doing the knowledge work. My curiosity led me to talk with at least fifty researchers, product designers, software engineers, and executives who were all battling in their creation journeys. Before we even envisioned the Scrintal concept, I deep-dived into the chaotic nature of knowledge work.

The Beautiful Chaos of Knowledge Work

A knowledge worker transitions between brainstorming and idea development numerous times in an hour. Knowledge work is not a linear continuum where we follow the steps from start to end and then move on to the next project. It’s a beautiful chaos in which one circles between all the steps, goes back and forth, sometimes quits, and sometimes sees the finish line. As a result, we create an artifact that never ceases to change and evolve.

The knowledge revolves in circles among brainstorming, structuring and sharing.

Ideas as Ingredients: Baking Knowledge Cakes

After all the interviews, we began ideating on Scrintal. In the beginning, we only had a couple of sketches and a vague sense of what we were after.

We were hooked on the concept that ideas are like ingredients. Their sources are distinct, tastes varied, and colors make a rainbow. We imagined that all ideas, just like ingredients, need to come together to bake a cake. Our job as knowledge workers is to facilitate mixing, deciding which ones to take on board, which ones to leave out, and which is to be the hero ingredient.

Scrintal is the atelier where this baking takes place. Even if we casually read a book somewhere in our minds, we know that those readings will feed us when we are writing our next blog post. Even the ones who claim to read without a purpose have an intention to link the new information with their existing repository. Enriching our mental archives is a subconscious process. We’re always on the lookout for that “aha” moment when disparate pieces of knowledge come together to form something greater than the sum of their parts.

However, too many steps exist before vague ideas come together to make a novel artifact. We brainstorm, develop a new idea, place it within our existing knowledge, draw connections, develop the concept, structure the new artifact, and share it with the world.

Bridging the Gap: From Creative Ideas to Structured Knowledge

We are developing Scrintal to streamline the process from generating ideas to creating knowledge. Our main goal is to create a product that provides the smoothest transition from creative thinking to structured knowledge. So that ideas can quickly turn into artifacts.

The ability to capture and distill creative inspiration is a competitive advantage for thinkers. With Scrintal, we aim to empower thinkers not just to capture those “eureka” moments but also to effortlessly shape them into tangible outputs. Whether you’re an innovator, an educator, a designer, or an executive, we want to amplify your creativity and streamline the journey from concept to completion.

Empowering Visionaries: Scrintal’s Mission

In the very beginning, we had to bring the Scrintal concept to life so that researchers could write better research papers. We quickly realized that, actually, our whole world brims with ideas. And creation is what every knowledge worker engages with.

However, there are so many steps for these ideas to generate a meaningful whole and to reach the world. There are so many cracks that these ideas fall into and never see the daylight. We recognize the need for a catalyst that transforms these ideational sparks into concrete knowledge.

The journey of ideas is essentially the journey of humanity. Our world is built on ideas and the courage to realize them. Our mission is to boost creativity and empower the visionaries who dream of creating the world we will live in. Behind every next big thing is an idea. And we want Scrintal to be the catalyst for the next big breakthrough.

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